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Writer's pictureGareth Oxendine

Force Sync Devices to Intune using a PowerShell Script

Updated: 3 days ago

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The script uses Microsoft Graph PowerShell cmdlets, so the following prerequisites are needed:

  1. Both you and your application (PowerShell) will need the following MgGraph scopes (permissions): DeviceManagementManagedDevices.PrivilegedOperations.All, DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All, DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All.

    1. Adding Permissions for You: a quick way to ensure you have the appropriate permissions is to assign yourself the Intune Administrator role.

    2. Adding Permissions for PowerShell: when you run the script for the first time, you will be prompted to provide consent; select Accept (see the example below):

  2. Install the Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement module on the machine running the script. Use the following command to install it:

Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement

The Script

Here is the script template. Before running it, though, you'll need to modify it. See the steps below.

Step 1: Choose the Device Properties for the Filter

A crucial part of the script is choosing which Intune devices to sync. You can create a filter for which devices to sync by using properties. For example, you can create a filter for devices based on the DeviceName and Model properties.

Before we look at the script, let's see what kind of device properties are returned when querying a device using the PowerShell command, Get-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice. For privacy, I've either removed sensitive values or replaced them with hashtags (#).

The device properties are listed on the left with their example values on the right:

Now that we know which properties are available, we can use them to create and execute the script. Replace <insert device property> with the desired filter. For example, to sync all Windows devices, you would replace {<insert device property> } with {$_.OperatingSystem -eq "Windows"}.

Step 2: Run the Script

Once you've modified the script, it is ready to execute!

Below are some example scripts you can use:

Example 1: Sync Devices by Their Name and Model

In the example below, the script will grab all devices that match a device name and match a specific model. If your company uses a naming convention, this script will be really useful.

Example 2: Sync All Devices

In the example below, the script will try to sync every device in your Intune environment.

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