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Writer's pictureGareth Oxendine

How to Deploy Win32 Apps Using Intune

Updated: Jan 4

Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Intune) Win32 App Type

Table of Contents

What is a Win32 App?

Win32 desktop apps (also sometimes called classic desktop apps) are the original app type for native Windows applications that require direct access to Windows and hardware. This makes Win32 the app type of choice for applications that need the highest level of performance and direct access to system hardware. -- Microsoft

You use the Win32 Content Prep Tool to convert .exe or .msi files into .intunewin files. Once converted, you upload and deploy the .intunewin file as a Win32 application.

How to Use the Win32 Content Prep Tool to Convert Files

Below are the steps to download and use the Win32 Content Prep Tool to convert installer files to have the .intunewin file extension.

Step 1: Download the Tool

Click here to download the tool from Microsoft's GitHub repository

Download Win32 Content Prep Tool from Github
Download Win32 Content Prep Tool from Github
  1. Once downloaded, double-click the folder to unzip and extract the contents.

  2. The tool is labeled, IntuneWinAppUtil.exe.

  3. Double-clicking on this file will launch the content prep tool.

Step 2: Use the Tool

Once you double-click the IntuneWinAppUtil.exe file, a new window appears with a few prompts (see example image below). You must specify the following:

  • Source Folder: the path to the folder that contains the installer .exe or .msi file.

    • If you need to include additional files with the installer file like a configuration file, ensure they are in the source folder along with the installer file.

  • Setup File: the name of the installer file (make sure to include the extension).

  • Output Folder: the destination path for the final .intunewin file.

  • "Do you want to specify catalog folder (Y/N)": only select yes if the installer file has a catalog file. If you are unsure, catalog files have the ".cat" extension. Most likely, you will type in N and hit enter.

In the example below, I chose the same destination file path for my output and source folders so the new .intunewin file would be created in the same folder as the original .exe file. This is not necessary, however.

IntuneWinAppUtil.exe Tool
IntuneWinAppUtil.exe Tool

How to Upload & Deploy the .intunewin File using Intune

Now that you have converted the installer to a .intunwin file, you can upload and deploy it as a Win32 application using Intune. See the steps below:

To view Microsoft's guide, click here.

Step 1: Create a Windows app (Win32) in Intune

Creating a Windows app (Win32) app in Intune.
  • Open the Intune portal.

  • Select Apps in the left-hand menu blade.

  • Select Windows.

  • Select + Add and choose Windows app (Win32).

  • Click Select.

Step 2: Upload the Intunewin File

Uploading a .intunewin file in Intune.
  • Click Select app package file.

  • Select the folder icon, browse to the .intunewin file you created earlier, and select it.

  • Select Ok.

Step 3: Configure the App Information Tab

Configuring the app information tab for a Win32 app in Intune.
  • Add a Name, Description, and Publisher for the application.

  • Although optional, I would recommend adding the App Version. This will help when you need to update the app in the future.

  • Optionally configure the rest of the settings.

Step 4: Configure the Program Tab

Configuring the program tab for a Win32 app in Intune.
  • Install Command: this field may have auto-populated, but if not, enter the same command you would use if executing the .exe installer using the command prompt (e.g. setup.exe /quiet). 

    • If you included additional files in the source folder when using the IntuneWinAppUtil.exe tool, then you can reference them in your install command. Reference them as if you were using the command prompt to execute the commands from inside the source folder directory.

    • If unsure what the install parameters are, consult the application vendor's documentation.

    • You can also use a program like WinRar to extract the original .exe file and view the contents of the text files (see example below). Because not all .exe files are wrapped, archived files, there may not be anything to extract.

Viewing the extracted contents of a .exe file to find the install/uninstall parameters.
Viewing the extracted contents of a .exe file to find the install/uninstall parameters.
  • Uninstall Command: this field may have auto-populated, but if not, you'll most likely use the msiexec tool to uninstall the application. Same as the install command, you'll need to enter the command as if you were executing it from the command prompt. You'll need the application's MSI product code for this. To grab the product code, follow the steps below:

    • Install the application on your machine.

    • Run the PowerShell script below, replacing "app_name" with the appropriate name.

  • As an example, view the UninstallString property below. You will see something similar when you run the script.

  • Optionally, configure the rest of the settings.

  • Select Next.

Step 5: Configure the Requirements Tab

Configuring the Requirements tab for a Win32 app in Intune.
  • Choose the Operating system architecture of the targeted machines.

  • Choose the Minimum operating system required for the targeted machines.

  • Optionally configure the rest of the settings.

  • Select Next.

Step 6: Configure the Detection Rules Tab

Configuring the Detection rules tab for a Win32 app in Intune.
  • Detection Rule: with Win32 apps, you must instruct Intune on how to detect whether the Win32 application installed successfully or not. For a list of all the detection methods and their explanations, click here.

  • Select Next.

Step 7: Configure the Dependencies Tab

When configuring an application and choosing a dependent app, the app you are currently configuring will be dependent on the app chosen. Any application in the dependent list must be installed first and can be considered as the "parent" application. You don't have to create an assignment for dependent apps as they will be targeted to the same assignment option as the app that is dependent on them.

Simply put, creating a dependency says, “I am dependent on the app I am about to choose.”

Step 8: Configure the Supersedence Tab

Supersedence works by creating a new Win32 application and then selecting which app(s) it supersedes. Once you do this, you receive the choice to update or uninstall the original application(s). I believe the main benefits of using supersedence are keeping a historical record of deployed applications and helping manage the uninstallation or updating of old app versions.

Step 9: Configure the AssignmentReview + Create Tabs

Add the appropriate assignment method, review, and create the application!

Cover Picture provided by Freepik

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